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Order custom apparel by Abw Online: hats, golf shirts and more with Abw Online Logo and Website address, or digitize your own logo and website address.

all apparel is custom embroidered talk to Owner Of Abw Online for your logo embroidered on custom apparel

hats : Black with diamond plating brim default comes with Abw Online Logo and website address
  • //abwonline.ca/customapparel.html. By buying this hat purchase you get a black custom embroidered hat default embroidery is Abw Online logo and website address. the cost is $50 plus taxes and shipping. if you want your own logo and company website address embroidered on the hat then it is a one time aditional $50 fee to digitize your logo for the embroidery sewing machines to read to stitch the hat. you only need to pay this additional fee once if you allready paid the fee and digitized your logo then you would have a file number from abw online you need to state this file number to waive the fee. http://abwonline.ca/customapparel.html to see picture of hats visit web page at http
hats : Black with diamond plating brim default personalize your own company logo hats by submiting your digital logo file. and emroider website address too
  • //abwonline.ca/customapparel.html
    Embroider your own company logo on our black hat with diamond plating brim. make your company stand out by paying the one time $50 digitization fee of your logo so the embroider machines know were to stitch. Taxes extra and hat costs $50 each before digitized logo and after. For large bulk orders ask abw online owner for mass large bulk pricing discount.
    to see picture of hats visit web page at http
hats : purple comes with Abw Online Logo and website address
  • //abwonline.ca/customapparel.html. By buying this hat purchase you get a purple custom embroidered hat default embroidery is Abw Online logo and website address. the cost is $50 plus taxes and shipping. if you want your own logo and company website address embroidered on the hat then it is a one time additional $50 fee to digitize your logo for the embroidery sewing machines to read to stitch the hat. you only need to pay this additional fee once if you already paid the fee and digitized your logo then you would have a file number from abw online you need to state this file number to waive the fee. http://abwonline.ca/customapparel.html to see picture of hats visit web page at http
hats : purple comes with custom customers Logo and website address
  • //abwonline.ca/customapparel.html
    Embroider your own company logo on our black hat with diamond plating brim. make your company stand out by paying the one time $50 digitization fee of your logo so the embroider machines know were to stitch. Taxes extra and hat costs $50 each before digitized logo and after. For large bulk orders ask abw online owner for mass large bulk pricing discount.
    to see picture of hats visit web page at http
hats : teal comes with Abw Online Logo and website address
  • //abwonline.ca/customapparel.html. By buying this hat purchase you get a teal custom embroidered hat default embroidery is Abw Online logo and website address. the cost is $50 plus taxes and shipping. if you want your own logo and company website address embroidered on the hat then it is a one time additional $50 fee to digitize your logo for the embroidery sewing machines to read to stitch the hat. you only need to pay this additional fee once if you already paid the fee and digitized your logo then you would have a file number from abw online you need to state this file number to waive the fee. http://abwonline.ca/customapparel.html to see picture of hats visit web page at http